It's Probably The Only Platform In The World Which Tells About Digital Enterprise Like It Is. There is Lot of good work in the Global Enterprise Domain about Architecture.
The Architecture is a set of descriptive representations, It's Not the Implementation.
I think that message is getting clearly articulated here and I don't think there are many places people can go to hear that message so I appreciate the ICMG WORLD conference.
John Zachman, Father of Enterprise Architecture

They are speakers from various industries, all speaking about the importance of Enterprise architecture so for me that was hugely powerful.
I think we need more case studies from business people like that less from IT people talking about how it's done.
Be frank I think we need to see more of that. A greater understanding in business is needed, and again from a business point of view how they had used the Zachman framework to drive genuine business performance, had an excellent session. It's great to hear from business people, sharing how they've become enlightened and see the power of Enterprise Architecture.