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151 Countries, One Business Strategy and Architecture Awards

The ICMG Rating & Awards programme provides an objective, peer-reviewed evaluation opportunity for some of the world's most well-known companies, such as Cisco Systems Inc, The World Bank, S&P Capital IQ and S&P Dow Jones Indices, The Hartford, IQVIA, New York State Office (NYS) of Information Technology, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, Procter & Gambler, Vale Canada, De Beers, Saudi Telecom, Dubai Customs, Reliance Industries, Royal Philips, Coca Cola Europe, Credit Suisse, EADS, etc.

Architecture Awards, Outshines the Rest.

And participation in this global initiative, which is presently in its sixteenth year, is gaining popularity. The multiple award categories, distinguished jury, and, most crucially, the cooperation of ICMG leadership in retaining its sponsorship-free status are distinctive in numerous ways.

Our objective is to promote "Strategy & Architecture" as a discipline in order to assist businesses in expanding, producing superior goods and services, and extending their lifespan.

It all comes back to Evaluation Process .

We have worked diligently to improve the evaluation process. There are four rounds of assessment. The Global Final Round is decided by onsite evaluation, which accounts for 33 percent of the total rating scores. This format change was well-received by all parties since it facilitated much-needed contacts between project participants, judges, and other Ratings & Award program applicants.

Type of Projects eclipses the competition.

Last years, some of the highest-rated projects demonstrated valuable framework concepts and methods such as

1. Architecture for Digital Transformation of Flight Cockpit Operation.

2. Architecture for Product Development of new Digital Product in Media.

3. Architecture for Cloud Migration

4. Architecture for SoA Services

5. Architecture IT Landscape Rationalisation

6. Architecture of Business Intelligence & Analytics Software

7. Business Process Improvement for Airport Operations

8. Digital Transformation enabled by EU IT Reference Architecture ( EIRA)

9. Pension industry modernization and Digital Transformation

Independent and Unfettered by the Influence of Commercial Vendors

It is essential to underline that neither a vendor nor the media fund this award program. Unlike other award programs which is organized and funded by vendor / s partners, that results in complimentary travel / stay and vendor presentations. This program is unfettered by the sway of commercial vendors and its is wholly autonomous in decision-making.

We have continued this endeavor, functioning independently of Vendor support, so that Ratings and Awards are not constrained by the power of private commercial interests.

Exceedingly Good Platform for global benchmark

We would like to extend an invitation to submit a submission for the 2022 Ratings & Award program if you or your team have just finished a project or effort that has made a significant impact on your company's service offerings, customer retention, or industry breakthrough.

The ICMG Ratings & Award Program is a platform for assessing whether project and enterprise activities and oprations comply to the worldwide standard.

Are you ready for the 2022 edition of Strategy & Architecture Awards ?

Dowaload the Nomination Form Now :

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